What is Callus?

Callus or hyperkeratosis is the superficial formation of hard skin found at locations of high pressure or friction.

Common sites for callus formation is the plantar metatarsal area, the heel, and over the joints of toes or inside of web spaces.

Calluses may cause tissue breakdown, which in turn may lead to ulceration.  This is of great concern with those suffering from Diabetes.

If left untreated, calluses will eventually cause considerable pain and discomfort, forcing people to compensate or hesitate to weight bear when walking, running or even simply wearing footwear.


What is a Corn?

A corn or Heloma Durum is the callus formation. It presents in a more compact and localised area which protrudes down into the tissue in a well-defined, cylindrical or cone shaped manner.

Like superficial callus, corns may also lead to ulceration if left untreated and potentially infection.

Corns are also generally found in areas of high pressure and friction and are just as painful as superficial callus formation.


What to look out for:

Area of irritation such redness, pain or blistering.

Small tiny dark dots or mild haemorrhaging may be visible under the skin which indicates tissue breakdown.

Ill-fitting footwear: Coming into the colder seasons we tend to wear closed-in shoes more often, which in can increase and prolong trauma to the feet. Additionally, you need to ensure that you have the correct fit.  Shoes that are too big will have your feet moving around excessively increasing friction to pressure sites.

Poor foot mechanics: Excessive pronation or supination.



Corns and calluses require prompt, Professional removal or debridement.

Unfortunately corns and calluses usually return which means patients will have to attend regular treatment and monitoring under Podiatric care at an appropriate interval rate as deemed necessary by the Podiatrist.

You may also have to undergo a full biomechanical assessment so that your Podiatrist may work out the underlaying cause or influence.

We understand that footwear is very important to us all, so we do not want to dictate or restrict your footwear preference. However, you may simply need to add more appropriate footwear to your collection so that you may fluctuate between each pair, giving your feet a rest from constant pressure or friction.

Orthotics can help realign and redistribute plantar pressures from inside your shoes.

Deflective pads or rubbers may be added to your orthotics or to the insides of the shoes which will help bypass or minimise pressure over the corn or callus sites.

* Prevention: Early detection and intervention

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